Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Dead Sea, Israel

 The poem I want to share with you today was written about one of my favorite places on Earth. While on pilgrimage, after a day of touring, some of us decided to take an early evening break and went for a luxurious dip in the great salt lake known as The Dead Sea.


Israel Pilgrimage—2006


Earlier today

while bussing

through the region

brilliant sunrays illuminated

the Dead Sea

bedazzling us

with sparkling expanses

of cerulean and turquoise


Now, amid evening shadows

some of us slip into the sea


There is ample darkness

so we dare to reach down

for handfuls of rich

black, therapeutic mud

and slather it lavishly

over our face and body


It’s November—

the air is cool

as is the sea


we linger

bobbing buoyantly

in extreme saltiness


as the precious muck

squishes and oozes

through our toes, reminding us

of when we were kids


Maude Carolan Pych

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