Sunday, August 18, 2024




Lafayette, New Jersey, September 1, 2001


God’s abundance wows me

from a sprawling field of sunflowers

which tower above

on thick woody stalks


They lift great ochre heads

framed in ragged haloes

of yellow gold

to shine sunrays upon me

like God’s own radiant face

amid a communion of saints

and I must smile back


Their leaves

are big green hearts

In their midst

my own heart

grows and greens


How God loves me!

He astonishes His child

with wondrous whimsies


Soon, when the season ends

they’ll just nod their weary heads

and shed their golden haloes

on the ground


and bequeath their gift of seed

to ravens of the air

which will feast festively

upon God’s abundance

unto them


Maude Carolan

Would you like to read more of Maude's poems?

 "Behold the Lamb...poetically!"
by Maude Carolan Pych
is available online
at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD.

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