Sunday, July 7, 2024

It's Butterfly Season

My last blog post was May 26th. A few days after that my computer quit. I went shopping with my daughter Beth and grandson Dean and selected a new laptop. Dean set it up for me and has been helping me get used to it because there've been lots of changes since my old unit which was about fifteen years old. With a little luck this will be the first post using my brand new Lenova computer.

The poem I'm sharing today is an oldie. It is about a visit to the Butterfly Pavillion in Westminster, Colorado in 2007. We took our granddaughter Isabel, now grown-up and in college, but then three years old.



Westminster, Colorado ~~~August 21, 2007


'Twas a magical land for Isabel, three

a tropical rain-forest, lush and misty


dense with fern, bright hibiscus and leafy trees

lazy old turtles, a muddy swamp, no breeze


Fluttering way up high, coasting low, low, low

thousands of butterflies gave a sky-dance show


They glided and swirled around us everywhere…

above, around us; we had wings in our hair!


Vibrant creations, every colorful hue

flaming red, orange, green and electric blue!


On Isabel, a mariposa alighted

Was she afraid? No. Issy was delighted!


She spied a swallowtail asleep in a tree

Our little girl picked it up, most carefully


then she set the yellow creature free…oh, my!

It flew off happily…fast as it could fly!


Caterpillars, chrysalises, some breaking free…

Winged ones as fanciful as insects can be!


In a special kiosk, a fine artist drew

with bright paint on children, butterfly tattoos


Issy selected a beauty she liked lots—

a splendid specimen with green polka dots!


That evening she told of all the fun she had

and showed her painted tattoo to Mom and Dad


Maude Carolan Pych

2007 Revised 8/24/14


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