Sunday, April 14, 2024

"The Emmaus Triptych"

Here is one more Emmaus Road poem...



Luke 24:13-35




Cleopas and friend walked and talked

with lumbering gaits and downcast faces

shining hopes of sweet redemption

dashed and obliterated


They asked of each other the Why question

for if anyone had come to fill those old prophecies

surely it had seemed to be Him

that Jesus they'd come to know

through signs and wonders

that appeared to be miraculous


Their so-called Messiah had been crucified

was dead and gone. Yes, gone, gone, gone!

Even His cold dead body was missing

from the tomb that had been sealed—


He approached them

in the midst of their perplexity

on the road to Emmaus

He walked with them, talked with them

they even felt His fire

but didn't know who He was


and strange as that may seem

how often have I been

the unnamed friend of Cleopas?

I, too, profess to know Him, know Him well

yet fail to recognize Him along the road




Taking the barley loaf in his hands

the stranger lifted it


Baruch ata Adonai

Eloheynu Melech ha Olam

ha motzie lechem

min ha'aretz


He tore it, offered it, and just as it fell

into reaching grasps

their astonished eyes recognized Him

and in that instant

He utterly vanished from their sight!


Leaping from the table, Cleopas and his friend

stumbled over each other

looking under, over, around and around

knowing even as they did

it was True after all


As they looked at each other

their disbelief became relief

the sweet awakening of a deep Belief


for Truth visited them along the way

joined them at their table, broke their humble bread

They asked each other


Were not our hearts burning

as He talked with us on the road

and opened the Scriptures to us?


Now, blazing temples of Holy Fire

they suddenly knew their once shattered hearts

would never cool again




When I first found You, or You found me

I thought I'd go from strength to strength

pinnacle to pinnacle, joy to joy

and so it was for a season

when love was new


then the whirlwind came

thrashing through my world

upending all my securities

leaving me stunned, broken, alone

certain I would die


so I waited for You to save me

waited for prayers pleaded at Your scarred feet

to avail their just reward

for I believed in You, trusted, hoped

Eyes veiled, I couldn't find You

failed to recognize You along the road


Had I believed in vain?


Then You began to speak

not audibly, but  whenever I opened Your Word

Radiance, Glory, Unfailing Love

sprang from the page and became manifest

My heart blazed! I began to shine!


Now, on the other side of sorrow

I dare not forget my burning heart,

Your Glorious Presence

so I abide, remembering

it is You, my Jesus

Who walks with me along the road


Maude Carolan

More Poems?

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

by Maude Carolan Pych

is available online

at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.

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