Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Gentle Autumn Poem...

 After weeks of agonizing over the turmoil in the Middle East,

here in America and throughout the world,

I figure we can all use a break...perhaps a walk in the woods

or at least one gentle autumn poem

about a walk in the woods...

Photo credit:


I meander through woods

along a beaten pathway in North Jersey

and the music begins immediately


There’s chittering of crickets

and the cacophony of other insects

that are hanging on to life

until the frost, which will come soon

Leaves rustle in the trees

some whoosh past me

as they fall to the ground

and there’s a crunch

of dry ones beneath my feet


I hear an occasional snap of a twig

and the scamper of squirrels

or chipmunks, a raccoon

or field mice scurrying unseen

up and down tree trunks

or frolicking in the dense brush


There may be hidden deer or a bear

Some sounds I cannot identify


Birdsong completely fills the air

all kinds of birdsong—

chirps and coos

and warbles and squawks

I even hear the flutter

of wing flaps


Tying everything together

is the faintest whistling in the breeze

that feels something like tinnitus

ringing in my ears

but it’s not unpleasant


All the sounds blend together

into Nature’s symphony—

a serenade to my spirit

as I stroll


Maude Carolan Pych

Here are two of Maude's books of poetry:

"Wonderhoods," a memoir

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

The latter is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, etc.


  1. Beautiful… you seem to bring to life things that most people do not hear. Love 💕 this

  2. Thank you, Anonymous. That’s one of the things poets do. They awaken their readers to things they haven’t seen or heard. I appreciate your comment.

  3. Thank you, Anonymous. That’s one of the things poets do. They awaken their readers to things they haven’t seen or heard. I appreciate your comment.
