Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My New Year's Resolution

 Maybe you'd like to join me

in my New Year's resolution...



     Among my most meaningful things to do

     while reading the Holy Scriptures through

     is write Messiah's name in the margin

     of the Old Testament, where'er I find Him.

     Of course, I do not find Jesus' name,

     but I certainly find Him, just the same.


     I find Him in the Lamb and the Lion,

     foreshadows of the Temple in Zion,

     find Him in Joshua, David, Passover,

     in the Song, the whale, cover to cover.

     I've thumbed through pages and jotted a few

     Messianic scriptures to share with you:


     Messiah's birth was foretold in Micah, five;

     seven centuries later, Jesus arrived;

     Virgin birth proclaimed, Isaiah seven,

     a Son would be fathered by God in Heaven.

     Kings would bow down to Him and nations serve,

     Solomon's Psalm Seventy-two observed.


     He'd be pierced and mourned, said Zechariah;

     Our Redeemer, fifty-three, Isaiah,

     this foretold of resurrection glory!

     Genesis to Revelation, God's great story!

     The Word reveals a magnificent plan

     in this tome of Our Savior, God and Man.


                        I’ve said goodbye to Twenty Twenty-two

                        Twenty Twenty-three is fresh and new

                        I’ve made resolutions and set some dates

                        marked up the calendar, my plans look great


                        but there’s one thing I simply have to do

                        that is to read the Holy Bible through

                        Each page holds the wisdom I’ll need in life

                        throughout the joyful days and times of strife


                        I’ll be on track for Twenty Twenty-three

                        learning of truth and grace, love and mercy

                        about God my Father, and Jesus, friend

                        a love story, page after page, to end


Maude Carolan Pych


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