L'Shannah Tovah!
It’s September
and I’m a gentile
of a Messianic
grafted into the
Olive Tree
and excited to be
celebrating the holy fall feasts
I look forward to
gathering with believers
beneath the moon
on Rosh Hoshanna
where our rabbi
will stand upon a crate
and blow his long
Yemenite shofar
tekiah…shevarim…teruah…tekiah gedolah
We’ll focus on
and praise God for
our atonement
through the
sacrifice of Yeshua
grateful that our
names are inscribed
in the Lamb’s Book
of Life
and throughout the
Days of Awe
we’ll examine
ourselves carefully
for we desire to
be right
with God and our
fellow man
mindful that our
God is a righteous judge
and all His ways
are just and true
We know He will
reward the righteous
and not allow the
wicked to go unpunished
On Yom Kippur, the
most solemn day of
the Jewish year
we will celebrate
and salvation
through our Messiah
who died for the
sin of the world
We’ll proclaim our
thanks and praise Him
Finally, it’ll be
the Feast of Tabernacles
the glorious
foretaste of Heaven—
My brothers and
will build a
sukkah out of tree branches
and decorate it
with oranges and pomegranates
It’ll be sturdy
enough to dwell in
and frail enough
for us to see
starlight through
the leafy roof
Our rabbi will
wave the lulav
there’ll be water
pouring and praise
and we’ll look
ahead with joy to the day
we’ll all be in
the Heavenly Jerusalem
dwelling with
Messiah Yeshua, forevermore
Maude Carolan Pych