Sunday, January 23, 2022

Bible Lover




Across the aisle, two pews up

stands an attractive, middle-aged woman

with springy mahogany curls

corkscrewing out in various directions


She turns her head

Her lipstick looms lush, full

and passionately crimson


With exuberance

she lifts her hands high

and heartily sings

"Shout to The Lord!"

along with the congregation

following the words projected

on a white overhead screen


The redhead sits

and prepares to hear the message

She casually unzips

her black leather-covered Bible


from many in the sanctuary –

ordinary Holy Bibles with

hundreds of thousands

of contemplated black words

upon thousands of well worn

white gilt-edged pages



this woman's Bible

is extraordinary…

wildly splashed

with big bold dashes –

highlighter daubs of

blue, yellow, rose, green –

as Utterly…Unabashedly…Vibrant!

as each Living! Breathing! Word!


I smile…at how colorful

God made her


Maude Carolan

Maude Carolan Pych

Here I am with a copy of my book of poetry about the Birth, Death & Resurrection of Jesus. It's titled, "Behold the Lamb...poetically!" and is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. For more information, visit my website at