Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Traditions

A-Poem-a-Day Until Christmas...

Well, my Christmas poem was mailed right after Thanksgiving to family and friends and I managed to bake one batch of pfeffernusse, then Bob took a tumble backward down our basement stairs and fractured three ribs, sustained various cuts and bruises, and was hospitalized for a few days last week. He's slowly recovering, thank God, but the usual holiday shopping, and baking, and fussing have definitely been reduced. It'll be a reverent and lovely, but simpler Christmas this year. The following poem and photo of the plate of cookies are from a more traditional Christmas past. (Actually, my sister and nieces got together to do their holiday baking and baked some extra cookies for Bob and me to have on hand when people come to visit. That was certainly a sweet and totally unexpected blessing!)

 Maude's Christmas cookies from a Christmas past.



So many Christmas traditions abound—

Old ones get lost and then new ones are found.

Some get omitted, but there are a few

things we love doing and simply must do.


For instance, I write a poem every year—

a real Christmas poem that draws Jesus near;

a poem that lauds Him, Star of the Season,

for He’s this holiday’s only true reason.


The poem’s perfect paper, I search far to find,

arrange words artistically as I’ve in mind,

select address labels with the same theme,

choose envelopes, stamps that go with the scheme.


The pen and the ink are chosen with care.

To use best penmanship, I have a flair!

I write out hundreds with joy and much zest

and sometimes include a few words to bless.


Bob applies the stamps and labels and seals;

a trip to the post office completes the deal.

When they’re mailed, I start thinking cookies—

Trust me, with baking, I am no rookie!


We select recipes; gather the tins,

make sure there’s flour and sugar in bins,

stock up on butter and chocolate and nuts,

molasses and spices and trims lots and lots!


I block off a few days in my datebook,

roll up my sleeves; open up the cookbook.

Chocolate chippers, and shortbread soooo buttery,

sweet sugar cookies, anise biscotti,


spicy pfeffernusse and wee pecan jewels,

drop cookies, rolled cookies, some cut with tools.

Bob stirs the batters; they’re thick as can be

and he’s the chief taster, take it from me!


Each cookie and poem is fashioned with love—

LOVE is what Christmastime is made up of.

God’s gift of LOVE came with the Savior’s birth

and there’s no other gift of greater worth!


These simple gifts…some cookies, a poem,

for Christmas, to you, from our humble home.


Maude Carolan Pych

"Behold the Lamb...poetically!"

Poems about the Birth, Death & Resurrection of Jesus

by Maude Carolan Pych

Published by Elm Hill,

is available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CBD, etc.




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