Sunday, November 18, 2018

Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

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She smiled as she dusted
the framed family photographs
on the old oak credenza
sang as she swept the kitchen floor
even Lysoled the bathroom bowl
with effervescence

Humming a favorite hymn, the woman
skillfully rolled pastry into a twelve-inch circle
adjacent to a bowl of peeled apple wedges
tossed with sugar, cinnamon, and cloves

Spontaneous praise to Jesus
proceeded from her lips
as she stuffed the twenty-pound turkey
trussed it tidily
rubbed it with butter and sage
and lifted it into the moderate oven

On the antique table linen
that had been stored away
in her mother’s cedar chest
she placed her best china, crystal, and silver
then set a wicker cornucopia
abounding with miniature pumpkins
and assorted nubby gourds, right in the center

Her feet ached, but her eyes sparkled—
This was among life’s highest joys
Her children and grandchildren
would soon be at the door
carrying homemade casseroles
and bringing lots of hugs and tales and laughter
and she would get to serve
Thanksgiving dinner

Maude Carolan Pych

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!!

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