June 15, 2016
Vol. 19, Issue 2
Vol. 19, Issue 2
It’s all about…the Lamb
Maude Carolan Pych/Quarterly Poetry Letter
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches
and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” Rev 5:12 NASB
It’s all about…the Lamb is a quarterly publication for followers of Yeshua/Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God, and people who enjoy poetry. The purpose is to magnify our Lord and Savior and inspire an ever-deepening relationship with Him, the lover of our souls.
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Photo credit: lambsblog.com |
Let’s Celebrate the Lamb
in Poetry
I began writing inspirational poetry, seriously, in the late 1980s. I read, studied, and experimented with writing styles, trying to find my voice.
Shortly after marrying Leo Carolan, in 1991, I was sitting at my desk at work at Kearfott in Wayne, NJ, one Friday afternoon, when a vision of a Lamb, crucified, momentarily flashed before my eyes. It was a cocoa colored lamb and its sad dark eyes penetrated me. I knew at that moment I would write a poem about the Lamb upon a cross.
That evening, Leo and I went to the Shabbat service at Beth Israel Messianic Center, then in Garfield, NJ. I began talking with a woman I knew, named Elaine.
I complimented her on a piece of unique jewelry that she was wearing. It was a gold Star of David with a realistic platinum lamb affixed over it. She wore it on a chain around her neck. Elaine explained that she had the piece custom made. The Star had a wood-grain design, which represented the cross to her. There it was, for the second time that day, the lamb upon a cross. I immediately knew my poem would begin with lambs being slain in Exodus.
Writing that poem was particularly significant because I strongly felt God’s hand upon me as I wrote. When the draft was finished, I prepared to show it to Leo to get his opinion. I prayed first and asked God to give me grace to accept any criticism he might offer without becoming overly sensitive. He asked me to read it to him. As I read aloud, there was one word I suddenly realize needed to be changed. I waited for Leo’s input. He said he liked it a lot, but there was just one word he recommended I change. Praise the Lord for the amazing grace He gives. I consider this poem to be my miracle poem. It is titled, “The Lamb”.
I will also share, “Blessed at the Mount of Beatitudes” and “His Little Lamb”.
+++ The Poems Follow +++
O look upon the innocent
the unblemished lamb, slain at twilight
as God decreed through Moses
See its blood upon the doorposts, upon the lintel
The Israelites consume it along with bitter herbs
reminiscent of affliction
They eat hurriedly, prepared for departure
loins girded, sandals on their feet
staff in hand, the lamb within
Look upon the foreshadows
see their hazy shapes coming into focus—
It’s the Passover of the Lord
God struck His mighty hand against Egypt
and the firstborn of man and livestock were slain
As God looked upon the lamb’s blood
on the doorposts, on the lintels
He passed over the Israelite dwellings
and delivered His chosen—
saved by the blood of the Lamb
Look upon the foreshadows
see their hazy shapes coming into focus—
It’s the Passover, the Holy Passover of the Lord
O look upon the Innocent, the Unblemished One
the Lamb upon the Cross
slain in unison with the other lambs at Passover
See the crimson Blood trickling down
the thorn-crowned Face
streaming from His hands and feet
See the iron spikes, the gaping stripes
the Suffering Servant
Oh! Look into the Face of the Lamb
the Atonement for all sin
It’s the Passion, the Holy Passion of the Lord
The Redemptive Lambs
meet in the foreshadows
Their shapes come into focus—
They are One
The precious Blood of the Lamb upon the Cross
redeems the world—
We are saved by the Blood of the Lamb
It is finished. Alleluia!
O look upon the glorious One
the Lamb standing as if slain
Hear the multitudes proclaim—
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
to receive power and wealth
and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!
...To Him who sits on the throne
and to the Lamb, be praise and honor
and glory and power for ever and ever![1]
Maude Carolan
Israel Pilgrimage—1986
At the Mount of Beatitudes
Wayne[2] suggests we each find
a quiet spot to spend
time alone with God
so I stroll along a pathway
surrounding the church
built in the name of
the Lord’s great message
to the multitudes
In a few moments I hear baa baaing
and follow the sound to the top of a hill
with sheep and a shepherd in view below
I sit on a low stone wall
to watch and carefully listen
for the voice of my Shepherd
amid plaintive bleating
I, too, am one of His sheep
I, too, have things to tell him
and don’t want to miss
anything He might have to say
This is communion—
a lamb with her Shepherd
I bask awhile in sweet serenity
aware of a holy presence
as the sheep graze
and the shepherd, like Jesus
carefully tends his flock
Afterward, we pilgrims come together—
No one else heard the sheep
No one saw the shepherd
The interlude was for me alone
a gift from my God—
a simple blessing
to one little lamb He loves
Maude Carolan Pych
The Shepherd loves you, little lamb
He holds you to His breast
He strokes His hand along your back
with utmost tenderness
The hand He runs along your back
is scarred from long ago—
A nail pierced it upon a Cross
because He loves you so
You are the lamb in Jesus’ arms
safe in His loving care
Because He gave His life for you
you may ever nestle there
Maude Carolan Pych
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Image credit: word8life.wordpress.com |
Comments are always welcome and appreciated. If possible, please post them directly to the website. Thank you.
Look for the next edition of It’s all about…the Lamb, September 15, 2016. In the meantime, I update my blog at least once a week, so visit the website often at: http://maudespoems.com.
Dear Reader/Subscriber,
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. John 1:29 NAS
God be with ewe!
After God’s Own Heart Publishing
P.O. Box 2211, Woodland Park, NJ 07424
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