Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Better Idea This Easter...



It's a better idea than spring baskets,

with jelly beans, mallows and bows;

it's far better than flowery straw bonnets,

Mary Janes and brand new clothes,

a much better idea than bunnies and chicks,

eggs painted pink, purple, blue…

This time let us give our sweet children

an Easter present that'll ring true.

Let us give a lamb, all spotless and pure

and tell them Jesus is its name…

Tell them Jesus is the Hope of the World

and Easter's the reason He came.

Tell them God's Son is sinless and meek

He's the unblemished Passover Lamb;

tell them He died on Calvary's Cross

to save sinners. He's the great "I Am."

Tell them that on the first Easter morning

Lamb Jesus arose from the grave –

and that is why in their tiny hands

is the dear little lamb that you gave.

Tell them Lord Jesus loves them so much

that He wants to be their Best Friend.

Their little lamb will remind them of that

after Resurrection Day ends.

Tell them chocolate bunnies, bonnets and beans

are okay, but not the best part –

the best part of Easter is Jesus, The Lamb,

Who came to live in their hearts!

Maude Carolan


  1. Howdy, you have such a beautiful website, on this one! And there is one thing which I would like to ask you. Is this a premium theme which you can buy online or you turned to a regular one?

    1. Clark, thank you for your comment. About the theme, I write Christian inspirational poetry and as much as I am able try to post seasonal poems to the blog.
